In the name of Allah
The All Compassionate, the All Merciful
28th Muharram 1444 (26th August 2022)
Islamic Universal Association
20 Penzance Place, Holland Park
London, W11 4 PG
Jihad An-Nafs – Part 96
Purification of the heart-Part 38
The analyses of Ayahs 76-82 of Surah Al-Qasas, which I had quoted last week are:
- It is said that Korah was a cousin of Moses and he oppressed the people. Allah (s.w.t) had given him abundant wealth to the extent that even the keys of his treasures were a burden for a group of strong men. Unfortunately his wealth deceived him and drew him towards deviation and arrogance.
- Scholars advised him to not exult as Allah (s.w.t.) does not like those who exult and to care about the hereafter by means of his wealth, while at the same time not to forget his worldly possessions. Wealth is not bad; in fact it can be a blessing. If it is applied in the way of seeking the good abode of the hereafter what is better than that? On the contrary, if it causes pride, injustice, oppression, and sensuality, what, then, can be worse than that?
- These scholars also advised him to be good to others as Allah (s.w.t.) had been kind to him, and not to be selfish and do injustice in the land, as Allah (s.w.t.) does not like the wrong-doers. Ayah 30 of Surah Fussilat says:Verily, those who say: “Our Lord is God” and remain on the right path, the angels descend upon them (at the time of their death) saying: “Do not fear or grieve, and receive the glad tidings of the garden which you were promised.”
- As can be noted the scholars tried, at first, to break the pride of Korah in the second instance, they warned him that the world is a means, not an end. Thirdly, they pointed out that he could only use a small portion of what he had amassed. Subsequently, they reminded him that he should be good to others as Allah (s.w.t.) had been good to him, and finally he should avoid making mischief on earth. However, with that very state of pride and haughtiness, which originated from his abundant wealth, Korah replied:“It has been granted to me only on account of my knowledge I possess. Did he not know that God had surely destroyed generations before him who were mightier in prowess than him and greater in hoarding?”
- Majority of people coveted his world and wished they could be in his place and said:“Would that we had the like of what Korah has been given! Verily he owns a great fortune. Those who were endowed with knowledge said: “Woe unto you! God’s reward is better for him who believes and does good deeds, but none shall attain it save the steadfast ones.”
- Due to his sins, Allah (s.w.t.) caused the earth to swallow Korah together with all of his possessions and no one could protect or rescue him. Those who wished to be in Korah’s place said: “Had God not been gracious to us, He would certainly have let the earth swallow us too. Know that He never let the ungrateful to succeed.”
- One learns from the story of Korah that worldly riches and wealth will not avail one in the hereafter. It is only one’s good deeds that count.
Second Sermon
Divine mission of Imam Husain (a.s.) – Part 5
The reason why Imam Husain (a.s.) proceeded to Kufa was because the Muslims there wrote numerous letters inviting him to be their leader as they claimed that they did not have an Imam to guide them to the way of Allah (s.w.t). It has been reported in the valuable book of Irshad Mufid on page 203 that within two days the people of Kufa sent about 150 letters. Most of these letters were brought from Kufa to Mecca by Qays bin Mushar Saidawi, Abdur Rahman bin Abdullah bin Shaddad Arhabi and Ammara bin Abdullah Saluli. After two days they sent another letter to the Imam through Hani bin Hani and Sa’id bin Abdullah Hanafi. The contents of the letter read as follows:
“In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
This is a letter to Husain ibne Ali from his Muslim and faithful supporters. Please come soonest possible for the people are waiting for you, and they do not look towards anyone, other than you, to be their leader. Do not delay and please make haste. Peace be upon you!” Thereafter Shabath bin Rabie, Hajjar bin Abjar, Yazid bin Harith bin Ruwaym, Urwah bin Qays, Amr bin Hajjaj Zubaydi and Muhammad bin Amr Taymi wrote the following letter: “The gardens and fields are green and fresh and the fruits have ripened. Proceed whenever you like. Your Iraqi soldiers are ready to receive you. Peace be upon you!” The letters continued to flow from the people of Kufa and the messengers from Iraq gathered in Mecca.
The Imam responded as follows:
“In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
This letter is from Husain ibne Ali to the believers and Muslims of Iraq.
Hani and Sa’id, your last messengers, have brought your letters. I have read what you have written and pondered over it. You have written that you do not have an Imam and asked me to come to you so that Allah may perhaps draw you towards truth and guidance through me. Now I am sending my cousin Muslim ibne Aqil to you in whom I have full confidence.
If he writes to me that your elders and wise men confirm what your messengers say and what you have written in your letters I may proceed towards you soon. I swear by my life that a true Imam and leader is only one who takes decisions according to the Qur’an, establishes justice, promotes the divine religion and dedicates himself to the path of Allah. Peace be upon you”.
The Imam sent this letter through Hani and Sa’id. He then ordered Muslim ibne Aqil to proceed to Iraq along with Qays bin Mashar Saidawi, Ammara bin Abdullah Saluli and Abdul Rahman bin Abdullah Arhabi. He instructed him to tread on the path of piety, to keep his mission secret, to be lenient and moderate, and to inform him immediately if he found that the people supported the revolution.
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