In the name of Allah
The All Compassionate, the All Merciful
5th Rajab 1444 (27th January 2023)
Islamic Universal Association
20 Penzance Place, Holland Park
London, W11 4 PG
Jihad An-Nafs – Part 116
Purification of the heart-Part 58
There are many Ayahs in the Holy Quran about the severe torment the disbelievers will endure on the Day of Resurrection; some relevant Ayahs are:
Ayah 18 of Surah Ibrahim: “The similitudes of those who disbelieve in their Lord are like ashes on which the wind blows furiously on a stormy day. They shall have no power over anything of what they have earned; this is for straying from the Right Path.”
Ayahs 17, 68 and 69 of Surah Baraah (At-Tauba): “It is not for the idolaters to maintain the mosques of God, while they themselves indict their own souls with infidelity. Their deeds are in vain, and they shall abide forever in the Fire.
God has promised the hypocrites men and women and the disbelievers the fire of Hell to abide therein; it suffices them. God has cursed them and for them is the everlasting chastisement.
O hypocrites! You are like those who flourished before you; but they were stronger than you in might, and more abundant in wealth and offspring; so they enjoyed their portion; thus you have enjoyed your portions as those before you enjoyed; and you indulge in vain discourses just as those before you indulged. These are those whose works have come to naught in this world and the hereafter, and these are the losers.”
Valuable points
- Those who disbelieved in the Divine Message will find in the end that all the deeds and earnings of their lives are worthless. Their dazzling culture and civilization, their grand kingdoms and states, and their so-called virtuous deeds, such as, their charitable and reformative works will be worthless and there will not be a single work worthy of being placed in the divine scale on that Day.
- Mosques have been built exclusively for the worship of Allah (s.w.t.). Hence those who associate others with Allah (s.w.t) will find that their good deeds have gone to waste including the little real service they did to the ‘House of Allah’ because they mixed it with shirk.
- The greater strength and wealth of previous generations are often mentioned in the Holy Quran to demonstrate that worldly superiority are ultimately of no benefit to man. Allah (s.w.t.) destroyed those greater in prowess and strength.
Relevant Traditions: (R: Biha al-Anwar V: 7)
- Sheikh Sadoogh had reported from Imam Raza (a.s) that the Holy Prophet (s.a.) had advised that on the Day of Judgment everyone will be questioned, except the disbelievers. They will be banished to hell without the final accountability.
- Imam Ali ibne Hussain (a.s.) had advised: “O people you should know that on the Day of Resurrection there will be no scale or register of deeds for the disbelievers; these will be specifically reserved for the believers.”
Second Sermon
Virtues of the month of Rajab – Part 2
I hereby reiterate that Rajab is one of the most sacred months in the Islamic calendar; it has special merits and virtues. There many recommended prayers and deeds for this month as provided in Bihar Al-Anwar V: 97 P:26:
- Fasting is one the most recommended acts; according to the Holy Prophet (s.a.). “Whosoever fasts even for a day in Rajab will attain the greatest of rewards; the wrath of Allah will be distanced from him and a door of hell will be shut.” He has also said that donating a heap of gold is not equivalent in benefit to a day of fasting
- If one is incapable of fasting, it is recommended that Sadaqa be given, even if it is as little as a slice of bread in the name of Allah (s.w.t.) as it will have the same benefit of fasting. One can also can benefit from Allah (s.w.t.)’s bounties by reciting the following supplication 100 times each day during the month in lieu of fasting: “Sobhaanal Illahil Jalil. Sobhaana mun la yanbaghi Tasbiho Illal laho. Sobhaana illa aizzal akram. Sobhaana mun labesal izze wa howa laho ahlun.” (Allah is impeccable. Nothing is worthy of being called perfect other than Him. He is the most honoured and generous and deserves glorification).
- It is highly recommended to seek Allah (s.w.t)’s forgiveness during this month. Imam Sadeq (a.s.) has narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.): “The month of Rajab is the month of seeking forgiveness for my nation. O’ Muslims ask forgiveness and turn repentant to Allah as much as you can, because mercy drops from the heavens like a gentle rain during this month.”
- Reciting ziyarat of Imam Husain (as) is recommend on the 1st and 15th of Rajab. According to Imam Sadeq (a.s.), “Whoever recites the ziyarat of Imam Hussain on the first day of Rajab will have all his sins forgiven.”
- There are several supplications to be recited during the month of Rajab including the highly recommended Amale Umme Dawood. Muslims should endeavour to enhance and strengthen their relationship with Allah (s.w.t.) by reciting the recommended prayers as mentioned in Mafatih Al-Jinan and Misbah Al-Mutahajid, page 735..
- Imam Sadeq (a.s.) had advised Muhammad ibne Zakwan to recite the following invocation after each prayer during the month of Rajab: (Ya man arjooho lekolle khayre wa aamene sakhataho inda kolle sharren…” (O, Lord! I sincerely hope that my piety will keep me secure from your wrath during my misgivings…)
Some Islamic events that occurred during the blessed month of Rajab are:
- According to some traditions, Imam Mohammad Baqer (a.s.) was born in Medina on Friday, the 1st of Rajab, 57 Hijri.
- According to Ibne Ayyash, Imam Ali Al-Naqi (a.s.) was born on the 2nd or 5th of Rajab, 212 Hijri in the city of Medina. He was martyred by poisoning, at the age of 42, in Samara on the 3rd of Rajab, 254 Hijri.
- Imam Jawad (a.s.) was born on the 10th of Rajab,195 Hijri in Medina.
- Imam Ali (as) was born on the 13th of Rajab within the precincts of the Holy House of Allah (s.w.t) in Mecca, 12 years before the Holy Prophet (s.a.)’s mission and 30 years after Abraha marched towards Mecca intending to destroy the Kaaba during the year of the elephant (Aamul Feel).
- Imam Musa ibne Jafar (a.s.), was martyred by poisoning on the 25th of Rajab, 183 Hijri in Samara by Sandi ibne Shahik, under the order of Haroon Al-Rashid, the Abbasside ruler.
- On the 27th of Rajab the Holy Prophet (s.a.) first embarked on his mission as the last divine messenger of Allah (s.w.t.) in the cave of Hira near Mecca.
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