In the name of Allah
The All Compassionate, the All Merciful
16 Ramadan 1444 (7 April 2023)
Islamic Universal Association
20 Penzance Place, Holland Park
London, W11 4 PG
Jihad An-Nafs – Part 126
Purification of the heart-Part 68
The companions of the left (Ashab Al-Mashamah or Ashab Al-Shimal) denied the truth. Moreover, they were lost in pleasures and persisted in heinous sins. Heinous sins include disbelief, polytheism and atheism as well as grave sin of morality and conduct. Their ignominy on the Day of Reckoning has been mentioned in Ayahs 41 to 56 of Surah Al-Waqiah, which read as follows:
As for the people of the left – Ah! What (wretches) are the people of the left?
In scorching wind and scalding water,
In the shadow of black smoke,
Neither cool nor great.
Verily, before that, they were extravagant.
They used to persist in heinous sins,
They used to say: “When we die and become dust and bones, shall we even then be resurrected?
And our fathers of yore too?”
Say (O’ Muhammad): “Verily the ancient and the later ones,
Shall surely be gathered together to a tryst of the known Day.”
Then verily you who went astray and falsified,
Shall certainly eat of the tree of Zaqqam,
And fill your bellies therewith,
And drink over it of boiling water,
Then you shall drink of it as thirsty camels drink.
This shall be their repast on the Day of Reckoning.
It is We who created you; why then do you not admit the truth?
The painful punishment that awaits the people of the left
- They will be in a very bad place in hell with scorching wind and have scalding water to drink.
- In contrast to the extended shade that provides eternal security and peace for the inhabitants of paradise, the inhabitants of hell will be devoid of shelter and instead there will be a shadow of ominous black smoke, which will obscure their vision.
- They persisted in heinous sins and refrained from repenting, despite Allah (s.w.t)’s forgiveness was open to them.
- They lived in luxury and had no inkling of what awaits them. The word, ‘mutrafīn’ indicates pursuing pleasure without any moral consideration.
- They were deniers of the Day of Resurrection and Quranic teachings and indulged in polytheism.
- Allah (s.w.t) has made it clear that all human beings from the beginning of creation until the end of time will be gathered together on the Day of Judgment.
- Just as the inhabitants of paradise have fruits that befit their station, so will the inhabitants of hell be provided with nourishment befitting to them, that is, the tree of Zaqqūm, the bitter food of the sinners. They will fill their belies with it and top it with boiling water like thirsty camels, that will increase their thirst rather than quench it.
Second Sermon
The virtues of the holy month of Ramadan – Part 4
Seeking Allah (s.w.t)’s forgiveness in Ramadan is highly recommended as it is one of the distinguishing features of the month. It is a month of supplications and prayer, atonement, fasting and earning Allah (s.w.t)’s mercy in the hope of having one’s sins completely erased through repentance. It has been reported that the Holy Prophet (s.a) has advised that Ramadan is a month that begins with mercy, followed by forgiveness and ends with freedom from the hellfire. This makes it a great time to repent for our sins. It is also a wonderful time to open our hearts and cleanse them of grudges and bitterness by forgiving others.
It is also highly recommended to recite the Quran; in fact, there is a special reward for every letter that is uttered by the believers. That is why the Holy Prophet (s.a) had stressed that one should avail the opportunity that Ramadan has to offer and perform salat and acts of Ibadat (worship) and recite the Quran as much as possible. One is also advised to recite duas after each salat and at the time of Sahar, particularly during the nights of Qadr, that is, the 19th, 21st and 23rd of Ramadan.
Prayer in Islam is highly important; it is the first pillar of Islam after the testimony of faith, by which one becomes a Muslim. Its importance lies in the fact that no matter what action one performs in this life, the most important aspect is one’s relationship with Allah, (s.w.t) which is demonstrated and put into practice through prayers. There are about 100 Ayahs in the Holy Quran about prayer and its benefits; some of which are quoted hereinafter:
- Ayah 45 of Surah Al-Baqarah: “Seek help from God through patience and prayers; it is indeed a hard task, save upon the humble.”
- Ayah 28 of Surah Ar-Ra’d: “The hearts of those who believe are set at rest through remembering God; certainly through remembering God are hearts set at ease.”
- Ayahs 1 and 2 of Surah Al-Mu’minun: “Successful indeed are the believers, who are humble while offering their supplications.”
- Ayah 45 of Surah Al-Ankabut: “Recite what has been revealed unto you of the Book, and establish prayer; verily,prayer restrains from filth and evil deeds. Verily remembering God is the greatest duty and God knows what you do.”
- Ayahs 22 and 23 of Surah Al-Ma’arij: “Save those who offer regular prayers, Those who are ever constant in theirprayers;”
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