In the name of Allah
The All Compassionate, the All Merciful
3 Muharram 1445 (21 July 2023)
Islamic Universal Association
20 Penzance Place, Holland Park
London, W11 4 PG
Jihad An-Nafs – Part 141
Purification of the heart-Part 83
I would like to discuss the following Ayahs at greater length:
Ayahs 267 and 268 of Surah Al-Baqarah: “O you who believe! Give in charity out of your good things which you have earned, and of that which We have produced for you from the earth, and do not aim at the bad things to spend thereof (in charity) while you yourselves will not accept it but look at it with disdain, and know that God is self-sufficient, praise-Worthy.
Satan threatens you with poverty and enjoins sordidness on you, whereas God promises you pardon from Him and a grace; God is omniscient, all-Knowing.”
Ayah 92 of Surah Aale-Imran: “You can never attain righteousness until you give away (in the way of God) of what you love, and whatever you give, verily God knows it.”
Valuable points
- Allah (s.w.t) enjoins us to spend good things in His Way. ‘Good things’ mean that what is wholesome, desirable and lawful and not forbidden (haram). Majma Al-Bayam explains that Ayah 267 of Suarh Al-Baqarah clearly provides that we should give in charity that which is tayyab (good and lawful).
- Allah (s.w.t) showers His blessings on His creatures continuously and He loves His generous servants.
- Man has been forbidden against giving away things that he would not like to own himself. This warning against the usual practice of giving away in charity one’s rejected and unwanted items. The Holy Prophet (s.a) has said: “Do not feed others with what you yourself would not eat.” He has also said: “None of you is a believer until he desires for his neighbor what he desires for himself.”
- One can never attain piety until he spends from what he loves. This reminds us of Fatima (a.s) who gave away her gold necklace to a beggar, so that he could sell it and support himself and his family. Moreover, Imam Ali (a.s) gave his ring to a beggar whilst prostrating in prayers, which has been acknowledged by the Holy Quran.
- The door of virtue is shut against those who love worldly thing more than Allah (s.w.t), and are not ready to sacrifice them for His sake.
- Allah (s.w.t) does not erase evil with evil, but He does erase evil with good deeds.
- We should consider donating things that we have an attachment to. Not only does it help us to detach from worldly things but it is a ‘loan’ to Allah (s.w.t) for which we will be greatly rewarded. To be continued
Second Sermon
Martyrdom of Imam Hussain (a.s.)
Today is the first Friday of the month of Muharram, the month of the grief and sorrow, and I offer my deep condolences to the promised Mahdi (a.j.f) and to the followers of the Ahlul Bait.
Imam Hussain (a.s)’s revolution in Karbala is based on two elements: it was a movement against a corrupt, deviated and oppressive regime and a campaign against ignorance and humiliation of mankind. Looking at the surface of the event, the uprising was apparently against the corrupt and unpopular regime of Yazid. However, beneath the surface, it was an uprising for the sake of Islamic values, understanding, faith and dignity. It was intended to set the people free from corruption, subordination, lowliness and ignorance. This movement was based on justice instead of oppression, it relied on monotheism and focused on worshipping Allah (s.w.t) rather than paganism, it relied on knowledge and wisdom instead of ignorance and on kindness and compassion rather than vengeful behavior.
Narrating the tragedy of Karbala and what befell Imam Hussain (a.s.) and members of his family and loyal companions is an attempt to establish the emotional connection of the Shiites to Islam and to the infallible Imams .I quote below the following traditions, which have been reported in Amaali Sadooq on page 142.
- Ali ibne Al-Mughaira narrated from the poet, Abu Amara, who visited Imam Sadeq (a.s.), and recited a poem on Imam Hussain (a.s.). Whilst he was reciting the poem the Imam was weeping and so were other members of his family. After the recitation, the Imam exclaimed:
- “O Abu Amara! Whoever recites a poem or passage about Hussain and 50 people cry, the reward for that person is paradise. Should the recitation sadden 30, 20 or 10 people and they cry for Hussain, the reward for the reciter is also a place in heaven. Likewise the reward is heaven even if as little as one person cries. However, should a person recite the poem on his own and cry for Hussain, even then paradise will be his abode in the hereafter.”
- Dawood ibne Qathir narrated that one day when he was with Imam Sadeq (a.s.), the Imam asked for water. After he drank the water, he started weeping and exclaimed: “Curse of Allah be on the murderers of Hussain who denied him water! When I think of the sad event, I am unable to hold back my tears. Those who remember Hussain specially when they drink water and curse his brutal killers, Allah will grant him hundred thousand hasana (good deeds), erase hundred thousand of his past sins and elevate his position by hundred thousand times and he will get the reward of liberating hundred thousand slaves.” To be continued
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