In the name of Allah
The All-Compassionate, the All-Merciful
10 Shawwal 1445 (19 April 2024)
Islamic Universal Association
20 Penzance Place, Holland Park
London, W11 4 PG
Imam Ali (a.s)’s advice in the Nahjal-Balagha – Part 23
This world is temporary and we should therefore try and acquire necessary provision for our eternal life by treading on the right path, rather than hankering after worldly adornments and pleasure. This has been endorsed by Imam Ali (a.s) in Sermon 99 which I had quoted last week. I now quote below some relevant verses from the Holy Quran:
Ayahs 110 and 197 of Surah Al-Baqarah: “Establish prayer and give zakat and whatever good you send forth for your souls, you shall find its reward with God; verily God sees what you do.
The hajj is in the well-known month. So whosoever undertakes the pilgrimage therein, let there be no sexual intercourse, nor bad language, nor wrangling during the pilgrimage, and whatever good you do, does God know it. So, make provision for your journey and the best provision is piety, and fears me, O people of understanding.”
Ayahs 14, 15 and 30 of Surah Aale Imran: “The craving of women and sons, the hoarding of treasures gold, silver, well-bred horses, cattle and farmland, are all made attractive to men. This is but the provision of life in this world, but with God is the best returning place.
Say: Shall I tell you what is better than all these for the righteous? Gardens with their Lord, beneath which rivers flow, to abide therein with pure spouses, and God’s pleasure; God is well aware of His servants.
Remember the Day when every person shall be confronted with all the good he has done, and all the evil he has done, he will then wish that there was a great distance between him and evil. But God cautions you against Himself; and God is affectionate to His faithful servants.”
Ayahs 32, 126 and 127 of Surah Al-An’am: “The life of this world is nothing but play and vain sport, and certainly the abode of the hereafter is best for those who guard themselves against evil; do you not then understand?
This is the path of your Lord, a straight one. Indeed We have made the signs clear for people who take heed.
For them shall be the abode of peace with their Lord, and He is their Guardian because of what they used to do.”
Ayahs 169 and 170 of Surah Al-A’raaf: “…. Was not a covenant of the Book taken from them that they read what is therein? But the abode of the hereafter is best for those who guard themselves against evil. Do you not then understand?
Those who hold fast to the Book and establish prayer, indeed We do not waste the recompense of those who amend.” Tobe continued
Second Sermon
The Battle of Uhud
There are several Ayahs in the Holy Quran relating to the Battle of Uhud; some of which are provided below:
Ayahs 121 and 122, Surah Aale Imran: “Remember, O Prophet, when you set out from your family at early dawn so that you would prepare the encampment for the believers for the battle (of Uhud), and God hears and knows.
Two of the groups had contemplated flinching, and God was the Guardian of both; in
God alone should the believers trust.”
Ayahs 139-144, Surah Aale Imran: “Do not lose heart and do not grieve, for you shall gain the upper hand if only you truly believe.
If a wound has afflicted you, a similar wound has also afflicted the disbelievers. We bring about these days of varying fortunes among men in turn, so that God may ascertain those who have sincerely believed, and that He may take witnesses from among you, and God does not love the unjust.
So that God may test and purify the believers and destroy the infidels.
Do you imagine that you will enter paradise when God has not yet ascertained those of you who have striven hard among you or have tested the steadfast?
And you indeed desire death before you met it, so indeed you have now seen it, even while you look on.
Muhammad is only a Messenger; messengers have already passed away before him; therefore if he dies or is slain, will you turn upon your heels? He who turns upon his heels will not harm God the slightest, and soon God will reward the grateful ones.”
Valuable points contained in the above Ayahs are:
- Allah (s.w.t) reminds His messenger how he left the city of Medina, his home and family to prepare for the Battle of Uhud with his companions and followers.
- Believers should not lose heart or grieve about the loss they incurred for ultimately they will have the upper hand.
- If they have suffered so have the enemies in the Battle of Badr.
- Allah (s.w.t) brings about days of varying fortunes among men in turn, so that He may ascertain who sincerely believed in Him.
- He does not love the unjust and will destroy the infidels and protect the believers.
- One cannot enter paradise without enduring hard work and especially when Allah (s.w.t) has not yet ascertained who has striven hard in His cause or has been steadfast (sabir).
- Moreover, one’s sabr (patience) is tested by Allah (s.w.t) during one’s difficult times, especially in warfare.
- Everyone will face death and no one will escape it and we must be ready for it at all times. However, no soul will die without Allah (s.w.t) permission, who fixes its term according to the Holy Quran.
- The Holy Prophet (s.a) like other messengers will die, but Islam will continue and the believers have a duty to perform Jihad that is, to defend Islam and its principles, against the infidels and not hanker after worldly pursuits and be grateful to Allah (s.w.t) whether the Holy Prophet (s.a) is alive or dead.
- One’s disbelief does not affect Allah (s.w.t) in the slightest and He will soon reward those who are grateful to Him.
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