In the name of Allah
The All-Compassionate, the All-Merciful
24 Shawwal 1445 (3 May2024)
Islamic Universal Association
20 Penzance Place, Holland Park
London, W11 4 PG
Imam Ali (a.s)’s advice in the Nahjal-Balagha – Part 25
A few weeks ago I had quoted an extract from Imam Ali (a.s)’s sermon 99 from the Nahjul Balagha and today I quote below its last two paragraphs:
“Do you not see that your predecessors do not come back and the surviving followers do not remain? Do you not observe that the people of the world pass mornings and evenings in different conditions? Thus somewhere the dead is wept for, someone is being condoled, someone is prostrating in distress, someone is enquiring about the sick, someone is passing his last breath, someone is hankering after the world while death is looking for him, someone is forgetful but he is not forgotten by death and he will follow the footsteps of his predecessors.
Beware! At the time of committing evil deeds remember the destroyer of joys, the spoiler of pleasures, and the killer of desires (namely death). Seek Allah’s assistance for fulfilment of His obligatory rights and thank Him for His countless bounties and obligations.”
Valuable points
- People wake up every morning making short or long term plans for their days ahead, but death is not included in these plans. While most of these plans might not occur, death will certainly occur. Death was the fate of all our forefathers and also for all those who will follow us. We should therefore reflect and ponder about the purpose of this life and what will become of us after death.
- We are surrounded by death, but our vision is tunneled to block it. We should look at the sick, the dying and visit graveyards for they will weaken our attachment to this world and will remind us of the hereafter and the destiny of our predecessors and learn the truth before it is too late.
- It has been reported that when a man asked the Holy Prophet (s.a) who is the wisest, he replied: “Those who remember death often and have prepared for it with good deeds” Indeed death, the destroyer of pleasure, is inevitable and to avoid mentioning or thinking about it, leaves one unprepared for it. Hence we should remember that no wealth or strength can prevent it. Let it not be a passing thought, but a constant reminder by which our daily decisions and reflections are governed. That is why Imam Ali (a.s) in his sermon has stressed: “… remember the destroyer of joys, the spoiler of pleasures, and the killer of desires (namely death). Seek Allah’s assistance for fulfilment of His obligatory rights and thank Him for His countless bounties and obligations.” To be continued
Second sermon
Martyrdom anniversary of Imam Sadeq (a.s) Part: 2
The 25th of Shawwal is the martyrdom anniversary of our sixth Imam, Jafar ibne Muhammad (a.s) and I offer my condolences to Imam Mahdi (a.t.f) and the followers of the Ahlul-Bait.
Imam Sadiq (a.s) was one of those infallible souls who were created by Allah (s.w.t) to be a model of moral excellence. His particular virtue that has been recorded by historians includes hospitality, charity, helping the needy in secrecy, fair treatment of poor relatives, forgiveness, patience and fortitude.
The Imam effectively helped others by improving their lives.
- It has been reported that during the days of scarcity, when people tried to hoard food and other goods, the Imam asked his manager: “The price of corn is rising daily. How much corn do we have in our warehouse?” His manager replied that the Imam should not worry as there was a large quantity of corn in store. The Imam said: “Give it away to the poor and let us face the situation along with others. We must share misfortune with the needy and the poor as long as it takes.”
- Abu Jafar Al-Khathami narrated that the Imam handed him 70 Dirhams and asked him to give it to a man from Bani Hashim and not to tell him it was from him. As instructed by the Imam he delivered the money without disclosing that it was from the Imam. The recipient was very happy on getting the money and said: “May Allah give this man good reward; he always sends us money which lasts us for a whole year. But Imam Sadiq, in spite of being so wealthy, does not help us.” When the servants returned and reported to the Imam that the recipient was complaining about him, the Imam (a.s) went into prostration and said: “I thank my Lord that when I hear criticism about me from the descendants of my father, I do not bear any animosity against them.” (Manaqib V;4 P: 273)
- One day a beggar came to the Imam begging for help and the Imam ordered his servant to give him 400 Dirhams. The servant did as he was told and the man thanked the Imam and left. The Imam then asked his servant to call the man back and when he returned, the Imam said: “The best charity is one that makes the petitioner self-sufficient. Whatever I have given you is less in my view. So I will give you this ring worth 10,000 Dirhams so that you may sell it when your need arises.”
He supported his kin even in the last hour of his life
In the book of Manaqib V;4 P: 273 it has been reported that when Imam Sadeq (a.s) was ill he ordered his servant to give 70 Dirhams to one of his relative, Hassan ibne Ali who disliked the Imam and even attacked him once. When someone asked the Imam why was he helping him, the Imam (as) recited Ayahs 21 and 22 from Surah Ar–Ra’d: “Those who join together what God has bidden to be joined, fear Lord, and dread the terrible reckoning.
… for them are the happy attainment of the eternal abode.”
He spent his wealth making peace amongst his brethren
The Imam (as) always encouraged his followers to make peace between their brethren. It has been reported by Mufazzal, one of his companions, that one day he saw a man arguing with his sister. Mufazzal invited them to his house and made peace between them by giving them 400 Dirhams and told them that the money was from Imam Sadeq (a.s), who had advised him to pay them. (Same reference)
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