In the name of Allah

The All-Compassionate, the All-Merciful

21st Dhil-Hijja 1445 (28th June 2024)

Islamic Universal Association

20 Penzance Place, Holland Park

London, W11 4 PG


Imam Ali (a.s.)s advice in the Nahjal-Balagha – Part 34

Today I will start by analyzing part of Imam Ali (a.s.)’s Sermon 114, which I had quoted last week:

  • The Day of Resurrection of the dead will be followed by the Day of Judgement (yawm ad-din) when everyone will be accountable for their deeds before Allah (s.w.t.), who will judge every soul with absolute justice and examine every act which they performed on earth, no matter how small.Depending on the verdict of the judgement, one will eternally be sent to either enjoy the reward of paradise or to endure the punishment of hell. The Imam emphasizes in his sermon that nothing is worse than evil except its punishment of the fire of hell and similarly nothing is better than good deeds except their reward; worshipping Allah (s.w.t.) is a good act but its reward in even better. His sermon reads: “Certainly nothing is viler than evil except its punishment and nothing is better than good except its reward.”
  • Another valuable point in the sermon is the fact that what is heard in this world is better than what is actually seen whereas in the next world whatever is seen will be greater than what one hears. Hence one should be satisfied by the news of the unknown.
  • What is little in this world is considered far more in the next world and what is more here is little in the next. According to the Holy Prophet (s.a.): “The example of this worldly life in comparison to the hereafter is like dipping ones finger in the sea and see what it brings forth.” In other words, when we dip our fingers into the sea, the little water we pull out it almost nothing compared to the entire sea. In the same way, the temporary experience of this world is practically nothing compared to the hereafter.
  • There will be change of fortune in the next world; the poor in this world may be wealthy in the next as his good deeds may be accepted whereas the wealthy of this world may fail the test and may be in a state of deprivation.
  • The person who endured the most hardship for the sake of Allah (s.w.t.) will soon forget all his pain and suffering after he enters paradise. In contrast, the person who had the most enjoyable life in the world will soon forget all his happiness after he is banished to the hellfire. The Holy Prophet (s.a.) has said: The most privileged people of the world, who will be sent to hell on the Day of Resurrection, will be asked: “O son of Adam, did you see any good or were you blessed?” He will say: “No, my Lord!” Then the most miserable people of the world who will be rewarded in paradise on the Day of Resurrection will be asked: “O son of Adam, did you suffer any hardship or distress?” He will say: “No, my Lord!” I did not ever suffer hardship or distress.”
  • Moreover, in Short Sayings 433 and 452 in the Nahjul Balagha, Imam Ali (a.s.) has advised respectively as follows: “Remember the pleasures will pass away, while the consequences with stay.” “Riches and destitution will follow presentation before Allah.”  To be continued




Second Sermon


Eide Ghadir

On account of the anniversary of the auspicious event at Ghadir khum, on the 18th of Dhil-Hijja, I congratulate Imam Mahdi (a.t.j.) and my Shiite brethren as well as the lovers of the Ahlul Bait.

Eid’e Ghadir is a day which is celebrated with great fervourur when the Shiites renew their allegiance to their Creator and the Holy Prophet (s.a.) and his Ahlul Bait. Indeed the significance of this event is inconceivable. Every aspect of this incident achieved eternal fame and glory for it was at this very inspiring place, the Message of God was completed and perfected. It has been reported by Furhat ibne Ahnaf as follows: “I asked Imam Jafar Sadeq if Muslims have any other significant Eid other than the Day of Jummah, Eid’e Fitr, Eid’e Adha and the Day of Arafah.” The Imam replied: “Yes, the Day when the Holy Prophet, the Messenger of Allah, appointed Amirul Momineen as the leader of the Ummah after him. That was the day when the religion of Islam was perfected and Ayah 3 of Surah Al-Ma’idah was revealed: “….This day, those who disbelieved have despaired of your (reverting from your) religion, so do not fear them, but fear Me. This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you and chosen Islam as your religion….” (Safinatul Bihar, V: 2 P: 286)


The event at Ghadir Khum has been reported by Zurara, a student and a great companion of Imam Sadeq (a.s.), who had heard it from the Imam himself, which is unanimously acknowledged to be reliable. According to the narration, when the Holy Prophet (s.a.) was returning to Medina from Mecca after performing his farewell pilgrimage, Gabriel revealed to him the following message from Allah (s.w.t.): “O Apostle! Deliver what has been revealed to you from your Lord” (First part of Ayah 67, Surah Ma’idah) The Holy Prophet (s.a.) replied to Gabriel that he was apprehensive about carrying out this task as people were new to Islam. On the second day, Gabriel descended again with the second part of Ayah 67 of Surah Ma’idah: “and if you do not, then (it will be as though) you have not delivered His message at all. The Holy Prophet (s.a.) replied that he was fearful that the people would not listen to him. On the third day, when the Holy Prophet (s.a.) arrived at Ghadir Khum, Gabriel appeared finally with the concluding words of Ayah 67 of the said Surah: “and God will protect you from the (mischievous) people; verily God does not guide the infidels.”

The Holy Prophet (s.a.) immediately halted the caravan and his entire entourage and did not proceed until he had made his all-significant announcement. A pulpit was made from saddles of camels for the deliverance of this long sermon which contained the Holy Prophet (s.a.)’s parting advice to the people and the nomination of Ali (a.s.) as his successor. He declared that Ali (a.s.) has been appointed as the guardian and leader after him by Allah (s.w.t) and he raised Imam Ali (a.s.)’s hand to such a height that his underarm was revealed.  He then stated, “For whomever I am the master (mowla), Ali is his master (mowla). For whomever I am the leader, Ali is his leader, O Allah be a friend to those who befriend Ali and be an enemy to those who are his enemy.” The first person to congratulate Imam Ali (a.s.) was Omar ibn Khatab. Then Gabriel descended, revealing Ayah 3 from Surah Ma’idah: “….This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed my favour upon you and have chosen Islam as your religion….” (Same reference)



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