In the name of Allah

The All-Compassionate, the All-Merciful

20 Muharram 1446 (26 July 2024)

Islamic Universal Association

20 Penzance Place, Holland Park

London, W11 4 PG


Imam Ali (a.s)’s advice in the Nahjal-Balagha – Part 38

Imam Ali (a.s)’s Sermon 120, which I had quoted last week, contains the following valuable points:

  1. Position of the Ahlul Bait
  2. Benefit for following them.
  3. Their followers will have good standing after death.
  4. The consequences for disobeying them

Position of Ahlul Bait

Ahlul Bait or the progeny of the Holy Prophet (a.s) have a special standing in Islam. The following tradition of the Holy Prophet (s.a) as well as many other traditions unequivocally state that adherence to them is the only way of salvation:

“It seems that the time has approached when I shall be called (by Allah) and I shall answer that call. I am leaving behind two precious things and if you adhere to them, you will never go astray. They are the Book of Allah and my Ahlul Bait. The two shall never separate from each other until they come to me by the Pool (of Paradise).”


Furthermore, we should be cognizant of the fact that the Holy Prophet (s.a) shares the same blood and flesh as his household because they are all created from the same light and from the same origin as cited in many narrations. According to the books Musnad and Manaqib, the Holy Prophet (s.a) has said, “I and Ali ibne Abi Talib both were a single light in the presence of Allah 14,000 years before the creation of Adam. When Allah created Adam, he deposited that light in Adam’s loins. We remained together as one light until we separated in Abdul Muttalib’s loins. Then I was endowed with Prophet hood and Ali with caliphate.”


Further relevant traditions from the Holy Prophet (a.s) in the Book of Al-Imam Ali P:142 are provided as follows:

I am the town of knowledge and Ali is its gate.

I am the town of Hikmat (wisdom) and Ali is its door.

I am treasuree of knowledge and Ali is the key of this treasuree.

I am the home of knowledge and Ali is its gate.

I am the town of religionn and Ali is the door of this religion.


In Sermon 120 Imam Ali (a.s) states: By Allah, I have knowledge of the conveyance of messages, fulfilment of promises and expressions. We, the people of the house (of the Prophet – Ahlul Bait), possess the doors of wisdom and the lights of governance.”  In other words he has been taught how to deliver the message of Allah (s.w.t) to the people because he has full knowledge about the Holy Quran and its revelations, meanings and dimensions Moreover according to the commentary book of  Majma Al-Bayan Vol:6, P:301, Imam Baqer and Imam Sadeq (a.s) have endorsed that Ali (a.s) and his successors are endowed with the knowledge of the Holy Quran as referred to in Ayah 43 of Surah Ar-Ra’d: Those who disbelieve, say: “You are not sent by God.” Say: (O Our Messenger Muhammad): “God and those who are endowed with the knowledge of the Book suffice for witnesses between me and you.”  However, Imam Sadeq (a.s) has said: Ali is the first amongst us to have knowledge of the Holy Quran and he is better than us and after him we have the said knowledge.” To be continued

Second sermon

Divine revolution of Imam Husain (as) – Part-2

In continuation on the subject matter under reference, I would like to add that the mission of Imam Hussain (a.s) was not to fight Yazid or take control of his empire but it was to reawaken the spirit of Islam that was nearing extinction and from the day he left Medina he made this absolutely clear. In fact, the sole cause for which he set out from Medina was to perform his duty of amr bil ma’ruf and nahya anil munkar as the people had not only accepted the evil that had been flowing from the court in Damascus but, sadly, they begun to emulate it. The inevitable consequence of this would lead to a total destruction of Islamic values. The philosophy and reason for his revolution was therefore clearly set out by him in a testament, which he handed to his brother, Muhammad Hanifiya, before he left Medina for Mecca along with members of his family.

His brother, however, did not accompany him, but he continued to reside in Medina to look after the affairs of the Muslims. He was the son of Ali (a.s), and his mother belonged to a tribe named Bani Hanafiya, and that is why he was called Muhammad ibne Hanafiya. Although the Kaisaniya sect considered him to be an Imam, he believed in the Imamate of his brother, Hassan (a.s), after his father, Ali (a.s), and thereafter in the Imamate of his second brother, Hussain (a.s), and after that in the Imamate of his nephew, Ali ibne Hussain (a.s). He was very virtuous principled and brave and displayed great valour in the battles fought by Ali (a.s). The letter and/or testament which were handed to Muhammad ibne Hanafiya has been narrated by Ibne Tawus wherein the Imam pointed out the motive for his rising and clarified the policy which he intended to pursue in all circumstances. The testament reads as follows:

“In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

This is the testament of Hussain ibne Ali ibne Abi Talib written by him to his brother Muhammad, known as ibne Hanafiya. Indeed Hussain testifies that there is no god except Allah and no one other than Him is worthy to be worshipped and He has no partner. He also testifies that Muhammad is Allah’s servant and messenger, who has brought the truth from Him, and that heaven and hell do exist and the Day of Judgment will inevitably come and there is no doubt about it, and on that Day, Allah will bring the dead to life and resurrect everyone from their graves.

Indeed this movement of mine is not instigated by arrogance or pride, rebellion, worldly passions, corruption and injustice. It is also not my intention to create trouble or to oppress anyone. I have risen to reform the Ummah of my grandfather, as Yazid will massacre the innocent. I would like to promote good and forbid evil (amr bil ma’ruf and nahya anil munkar) and follow the traditions of my grandfather, the Holy Prophet, and my father, Ali ibne Abi Talib. Whoever accepts the truth, Allah will be their protector and whoever refuses to accept it, I will be patient until Allah will decide between me and them. He is the best of judges. This is my will to my brother and all success depends on Allah, and only on Him do I rely.” The testament clearly shows that in 60 Hijri, the Muslim ummah was faced with a dreadful social and religious crisis, which could not be overcome by a bloody revolution, but on the contrary by the guidance of a leader like Imam Hussain (a.s), whose infallibility has been testified by the Holy Quran in the Verse of Purification of Surah Al-Ahzab (Ayah 33), which reads. “Verily Allah intends to keep off from you every kind of abomination, O members of the Prophet’s household and to purify you with a perfect purification.”   To be continued

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