In the name of Allah

The All-Compassionate, the All-Merciful

2nd Rabial-Awwal 1446 (6th September 2024)

Islamic Universal Association

20 Penzance Place, Holland Park

London, W11 4 PG



Imam Ali (a.s.)’s advice in the Nahjal-Balagha – Part 43

The word “Ikhlas” in Arabic means sincerity, purity of intention and devotion. It refers to the concept of performing an action solely for the sake of pleasing Allah (s.w.t.) without any ulterior motive or desire for worldly gain. It is the fundamental aspect of Islamic teachings. Any action devoid of sincerity is null and void. Whether it involves acts of ibadah or worship or interactions with fellow humans, we should always strive for Ikhlas as the acceptance of our deeds hinges on it. It also protects us from the delusions of hypocrisy and that is why it is important to purify our intentions before every action. I quote below some relevant traditions from Safintul al-Bihar V:1 P:400 and 408.

  • The Holy Prophet (s.a.) has said: “Whoever acts only for the sake of Allah for forty days, Allah will fill his heart with wisdom, which will be manifest from his tongue.”
  • It has been narrated that Jesus would advise his disciples as follows: “If you fast it should be for the sake of Allah, and not for public display, likewise if you give charity, you should do so in secret in the way of Allah and no one should know about it.”
  • Imam Sadeq (a.s.) has said: “Your Lord is Merciful and He appreciates even a small deed if it is sincere and He rewards His servants with paradise for two rakat prayer if it is performed with sincerity.”
  • Imam Ali (a.s.) has advised: “Most people of this world are devoid of knowledge except a few. Knowledge is desirable by the servants of Allah, but it is also essential that they should act according to it. Their actions will be rejected by Allah unless they act with sincerity till the end of their lives.”
  • Imam Sadeq (a.s.) referred to Ayah 67 of Surah Aale-Imran: “Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was upright in faith, a true Muslim and he was not a polytheist.” He then said: “Abraham was a very devoted servant of Allah and strictly followed the principles of Islam for the sake of Allah.”
  • It has also been narrated that the greater person is one who performs his actions with sincerity which is far more valuable as compared to the trimmings of this transient world.

Sincerity in our actions and statements is thus of utmost importance for the acceptance of our deeds and that is why the Holy Prophet (s.a.) has advised: “Verily, the reward of deeds depends upon the Niyyah (intentions) and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended.”

“Allah does not look at your appearance or wealth, but rather he looks at your heart and actions.”


Second Sermon

Hijrat of the Holy Prophet (s.a.)

After 13 years of his mission in Mecca, the Holy Prophet (s.a.) left his home and migrated to Medina which is known as Hijrat and it is a very significant event in Islamic history. This migration was carried out on account of the conspiracy by the leaders of Quraish to murder the Holy Prophet (s.a.) and to obliterate the truth and the laws against tyranny, oppression and injustice which the Holy Prophet (s.a.) was in the process of establishing. Their plan was, however, unsuccessful as Allah (s.w.t) had informed the Holy Prophet (s.a.) about their plan to kill him and ordered him to leave Mecca and for Ali (a.s.) to sleep on his bed. Ayah 30 of Surah Al-Anfaal was revealed clearly indicating that the plots of the enemies of Islam and/or the disbelievers to kill or imprison the Holy Prophet (s.a.) would be foiled by Allah (s.w.t): And when the disbelievers plotted against you (O Mohammad) to imprison you, or slay you, or drive you away, they devised plans and God too had a plan; God is the Best of planners.”  

It has been reported in the book, Manaqib V:1 P:183, that the Holy Prophet (s.a.) informed Ali (a.s.) about the dangerous situation and his plan to migrate to Medina as instructed by Allah (s.w.t) and asked him if he would sleep on his bed and carry out some errands for him and accept the danger to his life. Ali (a.s.) replied with a counter question, “If I sleep on your bed, will your life be saved?” The Holy Prophet (s.a.) said that Allah (s.w.t) had promised him a safe journey to Medina. Ali (a.s.) was pleased to hear this and he thanked Allah (s.w.t) and immediately prostrated on earth. This was the first sajdah of appreciation (shukr) that was performed by man. Ali (a.s.) knew that the enemies of Islam wanted to murder the Holy Prophet (s.a.) and if he slept in his bed, his life would be at risk and yet he did not hesitate to do so and to protect the Holy Prophet (s.a.). As narrated by Ibne Abbas his sacrifice was so sincere that during the Holy Prophet (s.a.)’s journey to Medina, Ayah 207 of Surah Al-Baqarah was revealed referring to the devotion of Imam Ali (a.s.): Among men is he who trades his life for the pleasure of God and verily God is affectionate to his faithful servants.”


It has also been reported in the Manaqib that the Holy Prophet (s.a.) advised Ali (a.s.): “Allah tests the faith of the believers but the messenger is tested to a far greater degree. Since you are from me and I am from you, we will be tried together, so be patient.” Ali (a.s.) replied: “May my life be ransomed for you and your mission.” Hence, while the Holy Prophet (s.a.) left his house for Medina under Allah (s.w.t.)’s protection, Ali (a.s.) slept peacefully on his bed despite the swords of the enemies being flashed around him. Moreover, it has been reported that Gabriel descended to visit Ali (a.s.) that night with Mekael and expressed his admiration and exclaimed: “O Ali! You are in a very good position because Allah and his angels are pleased with you.”

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