In the name of Allah

The All-Compassionate, the All-Merciful

27 Jamadial-Awwal 1446 (29 November 2024)

Islamic Universal Association

20 Penzance Place, Holland Park

London, W11 4 PG


Imam Ali (a.s.)’s advice in the Nahjal-Balagha – Part 56

In continuation with last week’s sermon, I quote below a few more Ayahs from the Holy Quran relating to truth (haq):


  • Ayahs 119 and 176 of Surah Al-Baqarah:Verily, We have sent you with the truth, a bearer of glad tidings and a warner, and you shall not be questioned about the dwellers of the blazing Fire.

   … Because God has sent down the Book with the truth. Verily, those who

   Dispute about the Book is in a schism (far away from the truth).”

  • Ayahs 60 and 62 of Surah Aale Imran:“It is the truth from your Lord, therefore do not entertain any doubt.

   Verily! This is the true narrative, there is no god but God, and verily God is the  

    Almighty, the all-Wise.”

  • Ayah 73 of Surah Al-An’am:He it is Who has created the heavens and the earth in true proportions. On the Day of Resurrection, He will say: ‘Be’, and there will it be! His command is the truth; ….”
  • Ayah 8 of Surah Al-A’raaf:The measuring of deeds on that day will be true (measuring).”
  • Ayah 4 of Surah Yuns:To Him shall all of you return; it is a promise of God in truth.”
  • Ayah 47 of Surah Ar-Rum: “Indeed We sent Messengers before you to their own people and they came to them with clear proof (truth), then, We took vengeance upon those who were guilty; the succor for the believers was indeed incumbent upon Us.”
  • Ayah 5 of Surah Al-Ghafir: “The people of Noah denied the truth and so did the parties after them; every nation schemed against their own messenger to seize him and they disputed in falsehood, hoping to discredit the truth. So I seized them. And how terrifying was then my retribution?”
  • Ayahs 22 and 29 of Surah Al-Jathiya:“God created the heavens and the earth in truth, and every soul shall be rewarded for what it earned, and they shall not be dealt with unjustly.

   This is Our record that speaks against you with truth. Verily, We recorded  

   whatever you used to do.”

  • Ayah 19 of Surah Qaf: “And the stupor of death will come in truth: “This is what you wished to avoid.
  • Ayah 20 of Surah Al-Dariyat: “And in the earth are signs for those who are true in faith.”
  • Ayah 3 of Surah Al-Asr: “Save those who believe and do good deeds, and exhort each other to truth and endurance.”    To be continued



Second Sermon

The life of Fatima (a.s.) Part: 4

After Hijrat of the Holy Prophet (s.a.) from Mecca to Medina, the following events that greatly influenced Fatima (a.s.)’s life were as follows:

  • With the migration to Medina, the Meccan period of humiliation, persecution and restrictions finally came to an end and the years of success and religious freedom began. The Holy Prophet (s.a.)’s own people to whom he preached Islam mistreated him, but he was cordially received in Medina as an honored chief and a new phase of his career commenced. His power enhanced day by day. He died ten years after the migration, but in just a decade he changed the course of human history.
  • In the first year of Hijrat, the Holy Prophet (s.a.) formally established brotherhood ties between the Muhajirs (emigrants) who had left their homes and worldly possessions in Mecca and migrated to Medina and the Ansars (helpers) who were the new converts in Medina and they readily and selflessly helped the Muhajirs financially as well as emotionally. They displayed unbounded love for the Holy Prophet (s.a.) and they helped him at the most difficult time. They were all sincere believers and they have been promised a great provision in the hereafter.
  • On the 15th of Rajab, 2 Hijri, the direction of the Qiblah changed from Baitul Al-Maqadas in Jerusalem to Masjid Al-Haram in Mecca. Allah (s.w.t.) ordered the Holy Prophet (s.a.) to face towards the Holy Kaaba while he was offering the Asr prayer in his local mosque, known as Zulqiblatain Mosque, and his followers were ordered to follow suit.
  • On the 15th of Rajab, 2 Hijri, the marriage of Fatima and Ali (a.s.) was solemnized, which was a highly significant event. According to Imam Ali (a.s.) the Holy Pprophet (s.a.) advised him that many members of the Quraish criticized this decision. He, however, explained to them that this union was in accordance with Allah (s.w.t.)’s command.At that time Gabriel appeared and said that Allah (s.w.t) had created Ali (a.s.) as there was no one worthy of Fatima (a.s.) in this world from Adam down the line. The Holy Prophet (s.a.) had once advised Ali (a.s.) as follows: You have been awarded three things which have not been given to anyone, not even me. You have a father-in-law who is the messenger of Allah and unlike you my father-in-law was not a messenger of Allah. You have been bestowed with a wife, like my daughter, and 1 have not been given the like of her as a wife. Finally, you have been presented with two sons, Hassan and Hussain from your loin, which I do not have. But you are from me, and 1 am from you.”

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