In the name of Allah
The All-Compassionate, the All-Merciful
25th Jamadial-Thani 1446 (27th December 2024)
Islamic Universal Association
20 Penzance Place, Holland Park
London, W11 4 PG
Imam Ali (a.s.)’s advice in the Nahjal-Balagha – Part 60
A pious individual acknowledges the truth and believes in Allah (s.w.t.) and His Prophet and guards against evil. By doing so, he attains a high and recognized level of faith and practice in Islam. The best way to attain this is through self-purification and the will to perform righteous deeds (khair), such as, worshipping Allah (s.w.t), following the principles of Islam and being compassionate to fellow beings, by helping the poor and the downtrodden and by eliminat bad characteristics. The word Khair has been used in about 200 Ayahs in the Holy Quran in different contexts. In Arabic language it has three meanings: 1. Good, as opposed to bad. 2. Best or better. 3 Abundance and wealth. Relevant Ayahs for the first two are:
Khair meaning good
Ayahs 110,197 and 215 of Surah Al-Baqarah: “… and whatever good you send forth for your soul, you shall find its reward with God; verily God sees what you do.
..and whatever good you do, God knows it. So make provisions (for your journey) and the best provision is piety….”
They ask you what they should spend. Say that whatever good you spend, let it be for your parents and near of kin, the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer, and whatever good you do, verily God knows it.”
Ayah 30 of Surah Aale-Imran: “(Remember) the Day when every soul finds present whatever it has wrought of good and whatever it has wrought of evil and he will wish that there is a great distance between him and evil. But God cautions you about Himself (His punishment); God is affectionate to His faithful servants.”
Ayah 107 of Surah Younus: “Should God afflict you with any harm, none can remove it but Him, and if He intends any good for you, none can repel His Grace; He brings it to whomsoever He pleases of His servants; He is the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”
Khair meaning best or better:
Ayah 150 of Surah Aale-Imran: “Nay, God is your guardian, and He is the best to help.”
Ayah 32 of Surah An-An’am: “The life of this world is naught but play and vain sport, and certainly the abode of the Hereafter is best for those who guard themselves against evil. Do you not then understand?”
Ayah 12 of Surah Al-A’raaf: “He (God) said: “What prevented you from prostrating since I commanded you?” He (Iblis) said: “I am better than him, You created me from fire, while creating him from clay.”
Second Sermon
Personality of the Fatima (a.s.)
In continuation of last week’s discussion I would like to add that Fatima (a.s.) did not attain her position, merely because she was the daughter of the Holy Prophet (s.a.). What made her worthy of reverence, were the qualities of sacrifice, piety, wisdom and all the other values of humanity which she possessed. She was indeed like her father, in terms of her divine and humane character. She has many titles, and each one of them reflects a virtue which she enjoyed. According to Imam Sadiq (a.s) she has nine titles, namely: Fatima (weaned from evil and impurities), Siddiqah (the honest), Al-Mubarakah (the blessed), At-Tahirah (pure and virtuous), Az-Zakiyah (the chaste), Ar-Radiyah (content with the Will of God), Mardiyah (lofty position and excellent rank), Al-Muhaddathah (spoken to by angels) and Az-Zahra (light and splendor).
- Siddiqah (the honest): Fatima (a.s.) was scrupulously honest and sincere. She never lied and her deeds always conformed to her words and beliefs. She believed in the commands of Allah (s.w.t) and His Prophets, without having any doubt whatsoever. Ayah 19 of Surah Al-Hadid provides: “Those who believe in God and His messengers are the truthful…”
- Al-Mubarakah (the blessed): Allah (s.w.t) gifted Fatima (a.s.) with abundant blessings, and made her the Mother of the Prophets’ descendants on whom He had bestowed everlasting benevolence.
- At-Tahirah (pure and virtuous): Fatima (a.s.) was a pure and perfect believer of Allah (s.w.t) and an absolute follower of His command and moreover she was devoid of any and every impurity. Her title Tahirah is related to the verse: “… verily God intends to remove all abominations from you, O’ you people of the (Prophet’s) Household and purify you with a perfect purification.” (Ayah 33 of Surah Al-Ahzab ) It is an indisputable fact that this verse, known as “the verse of purification” relates to Fatima (a.s.) and the members of the Ahlul Bait.
- Az-Zakiyah (the chaste): The word Zakiyah has been mentioned several times and in different forms in the Holy Quran. However, it refers here to Fatima (a.s.)’s purity and attestation of her honourable record.
- Ar-Radiyah (content with the Will of God): Throughout her life Fatima (a.s.) gladly submitted to the Will of Allah (s.w.t) and she accepted with grace whatever He had ordained for her. Many inflictions and disasters, befell her from the day she was born until she was martyred at a young age and even during the difficult stages of her life, she was content with the oppression, fear, deprivation, poverty, sorrow and pain, which was meted out to her. Allah (s.w.t.) was well pleased with her as she was satisfied with His Will and had accepted it with great endurance.
- Al-Mardiyah (lofty position and excellent rank): Fatima (a.s.) reached this excellent rank through her good deeds that pleased Allah (s.w.t) greatly. Just a few of Allah (s.w.t.)’s worshippers achieve this rank, which is attained by piety and sincerity.
- Al-Muhaddathah (spoken to by angels): Fatima (a.s.) was inspired and directed by divine power. Her utter true and accurate words were spoken by angels, and by those whose opinions and viewpoints always conformed to righteousness. Hence, this position is a generous miracle bestowed upon Allah (s.w.t)’s pious worshippers, and an exalted position granted to His chosen ones. According to Imam Sadiq (a.s), “Fatima was called Muhaddathah because the angels descended from the Heavens, and called her as they called Maryam binte Imran and said: “O’ Fatima! Allah has chosen you as leader of women of all nations.”
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