In the name of Allah

The All-Compassionate, the All-Merciful

 9th Rajab 1446 (10th January 2025)

Islamic Universal Association

20 Penzance Place, Holland Park

London, W11 4 PG


Imam Ali (a.s)’s advice in the Nahjal-Balagha – Part 62


The Holy Quran is the truth and a Book of guidance not only for Muslims but for the entire humanity. As we all know that it is the word of Allah (s.w.t.) and there is no doubt over its veracity; it is the miracle of miracles and a Book of advice which teaches us as to how we should behave and treat others. The Holy Quran gives great importance to studying, learning and gaining knowledge from it. In his Sermon 87 Imam Ali (a.s.) describes a pious believer as follows:


 “He has placed his reins in the hands of the Quran. Therefore the Quran is his guide and leader. He gets down when the Quran puts down its weight and he settles where the Quran settles down.”  

Understanding the Holy Quran in four stages is highly recommended: I. Learn the Holy Quran 2. Recite it. 3. Understand its meaning. 4. Follow its instructions. From the Holy Quran we get the knowledge of past and future events, sciences and timelessness in a miraculous way. It has immunity from distortion and has superiority over other religious books It is also the Book of dhikr (remembrance) which helps man to attain great rewards. Those who study the Holy Quran and implement its teachings in their lives do not need to attend seminars and courses on management, human relations and personality development. All the verses of the glorious Holy Quran affirm that it is the most important and complete Book of guidance. We should therefore seek guidance from it in every walk of our lives.

Imam Ali (a.s.) has emphasized the importance of the Holy Quran in several of his sermons. I quote below a relevant passage from his Sermon 176:


“And know that this Quran is an adviser who never deceives, a leader who never misleads and a narrator who never speaks a lie. No one will sit beside this Quran but that when he rises he will achieve one addition or one diminution – addition in his guidance or elimination in his spiritual blindness. You should also know that no one will need anything after guidance from the Quran and no one will be free from want before guidance from the Quran. Therefore seek cure from it for your ailments and seek its assistance in your distress. It contains a cure for the worst diseases, namely, disbelief, hypocrisy, revolt and misguidance. Pray to Allah through it and turn to Him with its love. Do not ask people through it. There is nothing like it through which people should turn to Allah, the Sublime.”   

Second Sermon

Virtues of month of Rajab – Part 2

Rajab has special merits and virtues, and as provided in Bihar Al-Anwar there are many recommended prayers and deeds that should be done during this month:

  • Fasting is one the most recommended acts; Imam Sadeq (a.s.) has narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.): “Indeed the month of Rajab is the month of Allah; it is such a great month that none of the other months are equal to it in virtue and greatness. War during this month is prohibited and whosoever fast for one day during this month will receive Allah’s blessings and one of the gates of hell will be closed for him.”
  • It is highly recommended to seek Allah (s.w.t)’s forgiveness during this month Imam Sadeq (a.s.) has narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.): “The month of Rajab is the month of seeking forgiveness for my nation. O’ Muslims ask forgiveness and turn repentant to Allah as much as you can because mercy   drops from the heavens like a gentle rain during this month. Allah is most forgiving and most beneficent.


The following Islamic events occurred during the blessed month of Rajab:


  1. According to some traditions, the 1st of Rajab marks the birth anniversary of Imam Mohammad Baqer (a.s.), who was born in Medina on Friday, 57 Hijri.
  2. Imam Ali Al-Naqi (a.s.) was born on the 2nd or 5th of Rajab, 212 Hijri in Medina and was martyred by poisoning on the 3rd of Rajab, 254 Hijri, at the age of 42, in Samara.
  3. Imam Jawad (a.s.) was born on the 10th of Rajab, 195 Hijri in Medina.
  4. Imam Ali (a.s.) was born on the 13th of Rajab within the precincts of the Holy House of Allah (s.w.t) in Mecca, 12 years before the Holy Prophet (s.a.)’s mission and 30 years after Abraha marched towards Mecca intending to destroy the Kaaba during the year of the elephant (Aamul Feel).
  5. 15th of Rajab coincides with the change in the direction of the Qibla from Masjid Al-Aqsa to Masjid Al-Haram in Mecca in 2 Hijri.
  6. 15th of Rajab is the death anniversary of Hazrat Zainab (a.s.) in 62 Hijri.
  7. 25th of Rajab is the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Musa ibne Jafar (a.s.), who was poisoned in Baghdad by Sandi ibne Shahik, under the order of Haroon Al-Rashid, the Abbasside ruler, in 183 Hijri.
  8. 26th of Rajab marks the death anniversary of Abu Talib, the father of Imam Ali (a.s.), in the 10th year of Besat.
  9. On the 27th of Rajab the Holy Prophet (s.a.) first embarked on his mission as the last divine messenger of Allah (s.w.t) in the cave of Hira near Mecca.
  10. On the 28th of Rajab, 60 Hijri, Imam Hussain (a.s.) and his entourage set out on their journey from Medina towards Karbala via Mecca.

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