In the name of Allah
The All compassionate, the All-Merciful
1st Shabaan 1446 (31st January 2025)
Islamic Universal Association
20 Penzance Place, Holland Park
London, W11 4 PG
Imam Ali (a.s)’s advice in the Nahjal-Balagha – Part 65
Before I continue with my discussion on the Holy Quran, I would like to emphasize the great importance of intercession or al-shafa’ah in Islam as it is a part of the shiite Islamic faith. Intercession may be defined as pleading or intervening on behalf of someone to bring about benefits or to save or protect another from harm or from the horrors of the Day of Judgement
Two important points of intercession should be noted: 1. The matter of intercession rests entirely in the Hands of Allah (s.w.t.). 2. No one can intercede without Allah (s.w.t.)’s permission because intercession belongs to Allah (s.w.t.) alone. Ayah 255 of Surah al-Baqarah provides:
“God! There is no God but He, the Ever Living, the self-Subsistent. Slumber does not seize Him, nor does sleep; to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. Who is he that can intercede with Him except with His permission? He knows what is before them and what is behind them, while they cannot comprehend any of His Knowledge save that which He pleases. His Throne extends over the heavens and the earth, and the preservation of them does not tire Him, and He is the Most High, the Most Great. (This Verse is called Ayatul-Kursi.)
Moreover Ayah 109 of Surah Taha provides:
“On that Day no intercession shall avail anyone save (that of) whom God has permitted and with whose word He is pleased.”
The above two Ayahs clearly state that the issue of intercession lies only with Allah (s.w.t) and to those whom He permits. According to Imam Ali (a.s) in Sermon 176 the Holy Quran has wide powers of intercession the relevant extract from his sermon states:
“Know that it (the Holy Quran) is an interceder and its intercession will be accepted. It is a speaker who is testified. For whoever the Quran intercedes on the Day of Judgement, it’s intercession for him will be accepted. He about whom the Quran speaks ill on the Day of Judgement shall testify to it. On the Day of Judgement an announcer will announce, “Beware. Every sower of a crop is in distress except the sowers of the Quran.” Therefore, you should be among the sowers of the Quran and its followers. Make it your guide towards Allah. Seek its advice for yourselves; do not trust your views against it and regard your desires in the matter of the Quran as deceitful.” To be continued
Second Sermon
The Holy Prophet (s.a.)’s mission
The Holy Prophet (s.a.)’s first embarked on his merciful mission on the 27th of Rajab and I take this opportunity to congratulate Imam Mahdi (a.s.) and the Muslim Ummah. I invoke Allah (s.w.t.) to guide us in following his footsteps and to make us prosperous and triumphant against the enemies of Islam.
Allah (s.w.t.) sent Messengers to every ummat, who advised the people that they should worship Him alone and to refrain from worshipping false deities. However, the Holy Prophet (s.a.) was the leader of all the prophets; he brought the final revelation and completed the religion of Allah (s.w.t). His divine message which continued for 23 years proclaimed the Unity of God and demolished ignorance and disbelief. We must, therefore, appreciate the blessings of his official appointment and all the goodness that it brought. Although, the “first to be created was his light”, the Holy Quran does not deny the revelations that came before it; rather it testifies to their truthfulness and completes them. When speaking about the prophets that came before him, the Holy Prophet (s.a.) said:
“I am the prayer of my ancestor, Abraham and the glad tidings of Jesus. My position and that of the other prophets is like the following parable: A man builds a perfect and beautiful house but leaves one brick missing from a corner of the house. People come and gaze at the house. Noticing the missing brick they say “Will a brick not be put in this niche?” Now, I am that brick and the last of the prophets.”
The great favor of sending messengers to the people is the greatest kindness of Allah (s.w.t.) which started with the creation of man and continued until the death of the Holy Prophet (s.a.). Some relevant Ayahs are quoted below:
Ayah 42 of Surah Al-An’am:
“Verily, we sent Messengers to nations before you…”
Ayahs 36 and 63 of Surah An-Nahl: “Indeed, We raised in every nation a Messenger (who said): “Worship God (Alone), and stay clear of every kind of false deities (taught).” So among them were some whom God guided and among them were others on whom error was confirmed. … .
By God, Indeed We sent Messengers to people before you…”
Ayah 15 and 77 of Surah Bani-Isra’il:
“….And We do not chastise people until We raised a Messenger among them.
This was Our way with those of Our Messengers whom We sent before you and you will not find any change in Our way.”
Ayah 47 of Surah Ar-Rum:
“Indeed We sent Messengers before you to their people and they came to them with clear proof, then We took vengeance upon those who were guilty; the succour of the believers were indeed incumbent upon Us.”
Ayah 78 of Surah Al-Ghafir:
“And, indeed We have sent Messengers before you; (O’ Our Messenger, Muhammad). Of them there are those whom We have mentioned to you, and those We have not….”
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